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About Me

My first memory as a kid was walking drowsily into the kitchen after waking from an afternoon nap. Maybe four or five, I snuck up behind my mom as she was washing dishes. She was startled as she turned around to see me and exclaimed, "Well, where did you come from?" And as a little kid, I was stunned because I couldn't answer the question. Where did I come from, really? 

This set the stage for what would be a lifetime of asking the tough questions and deep thinking. 

I'm now a therapist, a path I took so I could keep asking the tough questions. My passion is helping women reclaim the parts of themselves that may have been lost as we try to balance it all. We live in a world where we find that it's increasingly hard to live up to others' ideas of who we should be. We "should" ourselves until we don't know what we want out of life anymore. Until one day we realize we've lost ourselves. As someone who has made it to the other side of burnout, I can say there is a different way to approach life. 


One Pager 

"The world will ask you who you are and if you do not know, the world will tell you."
-Carl Jung

As your therapist, I assist you in clarifying your goals and honor your inherent power to change. Rather than being drawn to one modality, I look at all individuals, the environment and the situation and draw on a number of modalities. I believe the therapeutic alliance is the most important aspect to healing and encourage my clients to openly discuss their experience in therapy. I start my work with clients by looking at self care - how are you filling your cup? And then helping you break down the barriers to feeling better. Often, it's the voice inside our heads that keep us small. Our work will also include mindfulness training - teaching you to be in the moment to quiet your mind. This is where the magic happens.

My specialty is working with women who have ADHD as I continue my own healing journey after being diagnosed with ADHD later in life at the age of 44. I consider myself a wounded healer with my strength coming largely from my wounds.

Cohen had it right when he sang:

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in."

Our shadows are there to help us grow. Life is tough. But, you're tougher. I'm here to hold space for you as you navigate through the weeds of life to uncover your imperfect offering. As a neurodivergent woman, I know firsthand how hard this work can be in a world that often doesn't recognize our strengths. Let's breathe through this together.

"The wound is the place where the light enters you."

Reach out to me today!

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